ATENA 2D Tutorial & Manual
Price: 50 EUR + 10 EUR Shipping
ATENA 3D Tutorial & Manual
Price: 50 EUR + 10 EUR Shipping
ATENA Theory Manual Book
The Theory manual contains a detailed description about the theories used in ATENA software. The manual contains the description of finite elements, material models and nonlinear solution strategies.
This chapter presents the general governing continuum equations for non-linear analysis. In general, there exist many variants of non-linear analysis depending on how many non-linear effects are accounted for. Hence, this chapter first introduces some basic terms and entities commonly used for structural non-linear analyses, and then it concentrates on formulations that are implemented in ATENA.
Price: 50 EUR + 10 EUR Shipping
ATENA Science Tutorial & Manuals Book
ATENA Science Tutorial & Manuals Book contents three books: the tutorial and reference manuals bound in one book describe and explain how to use the ATENA-GiD interface and the ATENA/Studio interface.
This tutorial provides a basic introduction to the usage of the program ATENA and GiD, and it is specifically targeted for ATENA-GiD beginners. ATENA-GiD is a finite element based software system specifically developed for the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures. ATENA is used for the analysis itself and the program GiD is used for the data preparation and the mesh generation.
This tutorial contains a step by step explanation how to perform a non-linear analysis on an example problem of a reinforced beam without smeared reinforcement. The geometrical and material properties correspond to the experimental setup by Leonhard in 1962. More details about the problem or experiment can be also obtained from the original report [6] or from the program developer or distributor.
Price: 90 EUR + 10 EUR Shipping