<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BEG. OF FILE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (c) Cervenka Consulting 2000-2023 ----------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES FOR ATENA version 2023s (Build 24.11.2023 rev.22492, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22425) ----------------------------------------- Modified on November 24, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 24.11.2023) by Dalimir Stano CONTENTS: ========= 1. INTRODUCTION 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 AtenaStudio 2.2 GID Interface 2.3 Installation of a network hardlock 3. DOCUMENTATION 4. PROGRAM EXECUTION 5. KNOWN AND NEW PROBLEMS 6. NEW FEATURES AND BUG FIXES 7. CONTACTS 1. INTRODUCTION This document contains release notes for ATENA version 2023 All bugs and problems should be reported by e-mail to cervenka@cervenka.cz. 2. INSTALLATION First make sure that your ATENA hardlock is connected to your computer. It is recommended to uninstall any previous versions of ATENA software from your computer. In some cases it may be necessary to manually remove the directory "c:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting". Execute the program ATENA_V2023_Install.exe, which is located on your distribution medium. This can be either a CD or a compressed archive, if you downloaded the program from the Internet. The installation program will guide you through the installation process. The intallation sometimes needs to upgrade some of your system files. In this case you will be asked to restart your computer. For a silent intallation, i.e., no questions, default settings, you can run the installer with the /S switch. The installer language follows system language and preselects czech Engineering UI in case of czech Windows environment. To choose the installer language manually, you can use the command line switches /EN for english and /CS for czech. 2.1 Pre-processor This new version ATENA 2023 Beta brings a new pre-processor that combines the robustness of ATENA Science with the simplicity of ATENA 3D Engineering. If compared to the existing ATENA 2D & 3D Engineering, it contains the following main improvements: - Combination of 2D and 3D modelling and preprocessing into a single environment - Support for curved NURBS lines and surfaces - Stronger compatibility with ATENA Science - Import of *.gid models - Scripting support using Python programming language - Import of other data formats such as ifc and iges - Support for layers as in other modelling programs - Possibility to develop user-defined material libraries and materials - Support for construction process modelling in both 2D and 3D - Improved visualization and post-processing capabilities - Enhanced user interface for easier and more intuitive modeling - Advanced meshing algorithms for faster and more accurate results - Expanded range of boundary conditions and load types - Enhanced contact and interface modeling capabilities - Stability and performance for large and complex models - Integration with external tools and software for seamless workflow - Comprehensive documentation and support to aid users in utilizing the new features and capabilities - Durability models for reinforcement corrosion and alkali-silica reaction - Modelling and simulation of 3D concrete printing - BIM based internal data format - AtenaStudio program for unique runtime visualization and control - Fully built on 64-bit technology, supporting larger computer memory capacity and speed ATENA 2023 uses ATENA Studio for runtime analysis visualization and post-processing. 2.2 AtenaStudio Advanced graphical user interface for ATENA. Combines simple and intuitive user interface known from ATENA Engineering and advanced features of AtenaWin. It can be used for 2D and 3D calculations as well as visualization and postprocessing results. 2.3 ATENA Science ATENA-GiD Interface If this component is selected, interface modules for data exchange between ATENA and GiD will be installed on your computer. GiD can be used as a 3D and 2D pre- and post-processor for ATENA. Currently, the postprocessing is limited in some respects in GiD. The post-processing can also be done in AtenaWin or Atena3DPost. Only the demo version of GiD is currently distributed with the ATENA software. The demo version is limited to 1000 elements. GiD can be used to prepare numerical models for very complex structures. It also supports imports from various modelling standards. The full licence of GiD can be obtained from ATENA distributors. More information about GiD can be obtained at the internet address: http://www.gidhome.com/ During the installation you will be prompted if you want to install demo version of GiD and ATENA-GiD interface. If you want to use ATENA along with GiD please select the appropriate boxes. ATENA-GiD problem type scripts are suited for the GiD versions included in the particular ATENA installer in GiD versions, for details, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt 2.3 Installation of NetHasp network hardlock. This section describes how to install the network hardlock for program ATENA. If you had requested a network version of ATENA, you received a red NetHasp hardlock. This hardlock can be plugged into the USB port of an arbitraty computer in your local area network (LAN). The program ATENA can then be installed on any computer connected to this network and running Windows 10/11 system (64 bit). When ATENA is executed on a client computer, it first checks if a valid Hasp hardlock is connected to the computer. If it cannot find a hardlock on the local computer it searches the network for a NetHasp hardlock. If you have problem to access netrwork license: Please Submit the ip adress of the computer with network license to: On the client computer at site: http://localhost:1947/_int_/config_to.html (Access to Remote License Managers - Remote License Search Parameters) After the NetHasp is located, the program attempts to log into the hardlock. If there are more workstations currently using ATENA then is the allowed limit, the login is refused and ATENA cannot be used. In order to use the network hardlock, the red NetHasp hardlock key must be connected to at least one computer in the LAN, and the NetHasp License Manager must be running on this computer. It is important to realize that the computer with the network hardlock and NetHasp license manager must be running, in order for the client computers to be able to access it and log into the NetHasp. Some problems may occur, if for some reason an ATENA sesion on a client computer fails to end correctly, due to a computer or program crash. In this case, the program did not log out of the NetHasp License Manager, and one license can be blocked for others to use. There are two solutions to this problem. Either ATENA can be started again and the blocked license will be freed after the program is correctly terminated. Or NetHasp License Manager can be stopped and restared again. This will reset the number of available licenses back to the original number. This should be done, however, only at times when there are no clients using ATENA. It is important to note that if ATENA is executed several times on a single computer, this scenario will consume only one license in the NetHasp License Manager. 3. DOCUMENTATION The installation contains the following documentation in electronic format. In order to view the documentation PDF reader must be installed on your computer. Such a reader can be for instance obtained free of charge at the internet address http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html. [1] Theory Manual for ATENA. This document explains the theorethical formulations, which are used in ATENA including element formulation, constitutive models and non-linear solvers. [2] ATENA Engineering 2D and 3D User's manuals This document describes the usage of ATENA 2D and 3D environments. [3] Example Manual for ATENA Engineering 2D+3D, ATENA Science GiD Describes the example problems for ATENA 2D and 3D, and ATENA-GiD located in the Examples directory. [4] Tutorials for ATENA Engineering 2D, 3D, and ATENA Science These documents provide step by step introductions to the usage of the programs ATENA Engineering and Science. [5] ATENA-FEMAP User's Guide. This document explains how to exchange data between FEMAP and ATENA using scripts. FEMAP is used for pre and post-processing. ATENA is used for non-linear analysis only. [6] Atena Input File Format. This document contains the description of ATENA input file format. This input file can be created by user or by FEMAP. The analysis can be executed from command line by executing AtenaConsole program. [7] AtenaWin User's Manual Describes the usage of the AtenaWin tool for running FE analysis using a batch model in a simple graphical environment. [8] ATENA-GiD User's Manual Describes the data-preparation using GiD pre-processor with ATENA Science. [9] T3D User Guide Describes the mesh generator used in ATENA Engineering 3D and also available directly from the ATENA Kernel. [10] User Material DLL Explains hot to define a user material by providing a Dynamic Link Library with the material response functions. [11] ATENA Troubleshooting Reference for ATENA error and warning messages and solutions to frequent problems with analysis using ATENA. 4. KNOWN AND NEW PROBLEMS If you experience a problem, please check the ATENA Troubleshooting Manual (ATENA-Troubleshooting.pdf), the Products » ATENA » Documentation section on our Web, https://www.cervenka.cz/products/atena/documentation/pdf-atena-troubleshooting, search our forum https://forums.cervenka.cz. If you can not find a solution, please report the problem by e-mail to cervenka@cervenka.cz. Do not forget to send us your model (.cc3, .cc2, or .gid, without results, ZIPped), the version you are using, your WR (ATENA user ID from the "About" dialog), and a description of the problem. Include info about your computer whenever relevant and possible (OS version, graphics card type, ...). 6. NEW FEATURES AND BUG FIXES Release version 2023s, November 24, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 24.11.2023) (Build 24.11.2023 rev.22492, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22425) Release version 2023r, November 1, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 1.11.2023) (Build 1.11.2023 rev.22369, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22364) - New context help for ATENA Studio and Preprocessor - Updated Examples - Minor fixes in ATENA Studio and Preprocessor - New version of ATENA-GiD scripts Release version 2023p, October 20, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 20.10.2023) (Build 20.10.2023 rev.22340, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22336) - New version of ATENA-GiD scripts Release version 2023o, October 11th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 11.10.2023) (Build 11.10.2023 rev.22313, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22312) Changed behaviour of layers - completely like GiD except active layer cannot be invisible (no disabled checkboxes anymore) - Minor fixes in ATENA core, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor Release version 2023n, September 26th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 26.9.2023) (Build 26.9.2023 rev.22291, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22227) - Added parameter generation for SBeta material based on compressive strength - Fixed interaction with shells and beams - don't unselect selected geometry after applied or when command starts - hide preview after apply - New version of ATENA-GiD scripts - ImportEPWFile - Updates for IGES, GiD and Atena3D import - Updated Examples Release version 2023m, September 15th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 15.9.2023) (Build 15.9.2023 rev.22271, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22078) - Fixed Import from GiD - Fixed and added units - Fixed an issue: Load Force on 2D shell curve / Fixed 2D shell to solid - Updated Manuals Release version 2023l, August 17th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 17.8.2023) (Build 17.8.2023 rev.22186, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22078) Release version 2023k, August 10th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 10.8.2023) (Build 10.8.2023 rev.22174, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22078) Release version 2023j, August 1st, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 1.8.2023) (Build 1.8.2023 rev.22160, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22121) Release version 2023i, July 21th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 14.7.2023) (Build 14.7.2023 rev.22115, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22121) Release version 2023h, July 14th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 14.7.2023) (Build 14.7.2023 rev.22115, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22078) Release version 2023g, July 7th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 7.7.2023) (Build 7.7.2023 rev.22079, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22059) Release version 2023f, July 4th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 30.6.2023) (Build 4.7.2023 rev.22060, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22059) Release version 2023e, June 29th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 30.6.2023) (Build 29.6.2023 rev.22060, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22053) Release version 2023d, June 12th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 12.6.2023) (Build 12.6.2023 rev.22000, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21953) Release version 2023c, June 6th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 6.6.2023) (Build 6.6.2023 rev.21954, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21953) Release version 2023b, April 27th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 27.4.2023) (Build 27.4.2023 rev.21861, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21803) Release version 2023, January 25th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 25.1.2023) (Build 2.11.2022 rev.21636, ATENA Studio and Preprocessor, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21595) - Brand new preprocessor - New version of kernel 7. Contacts --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM DISTRIBUTORS: MAIN OFFICE: Cervenka Consulting s.r.o. Na Hrebenkach 55, 150 00 Praha 5 Czech Republic phone: +420 220 610 018 fax: +420 220 612 227 WWW: www.cervenka.cz e-mail: cervenka@cervenka.cz --------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTRALIA Civil & Structural Engineering Design Services Pty. Ltd. 3 Wanniti Road BELROSE NSW 2085 AUSTRALIA phone: (02) 9975 3899 fax: (02) 9975 1943 WWW: http://civilandstructural.com.au/ e-mail: hited@bigpond.net.au --------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAZIL Targetware Informática Ltda. Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 404 Conj 302 05001-000, Água Branca, Sao Paulo phone: +55 11 3665-8550 WWW: www.software.com.br e-mail: keyt@software.com.br --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RAND STAR ROCKET SCI-TECH.CO.LTD Room 1619 Building 17, Rongfeng 2008 305 Guang-an-men-wai Avenue Xuanwu District, Beijing, 100055 CHINA Mr. Tomas phone: +86-10-86922986 fax: +86-10-86922986 WWW: www.weixiuxinxihua.com email: tomas@weixiuxinxihua.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- HUNGARY Juhasz Karoly Peter Reitter Ferenc 73 A/5/4 1135 Budapest phone/fax: 36 (1) 239-9368 mobile phone: 36 (70) 330-9149 WWW: www.jkpstatic.com e-mail: office@jkp.hu --------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIA Computer Solutions "Shri Sai Kripa", 56, Motilal Nehru Road, Ground Floor Kolkata - 700 029. West Bengal, India Mr. Amal Kumar Paul phone: +91 33247 55420 mobile phone: +91 98303 89800 / 98303 37072 e-mail: compsolamal@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- IRAN Unit 5B, Arsis Building, Mosalla St. Tabriz 5137777696 IRAN Mr. Davood Reyhanifar phone: +98-41-35576870, 71 fax: +98-41-35576872 e-mail: reyhanifar@fanavaransaba.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- JAPAN RESEARCH CENTER of COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, Inc. (RCCM) Togoshi NI-Bldg. 1-7-1 Togoshi Shinagawa-ku 142-0041 Tokyo, Japan phone: +813 3785 3033 fax: +813 3785 6066 WWW: www.rccm.co.jp e-mail: atena@rccm.co.jp --------------------------------------------------------------------- KUWAIT KUWAIT INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND ENGINEERING SIMULATIONS Distributor for the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain. KITES llc Sanam Tower 1, Floor 27, 14011 Fahed Al Salem Street, AlQibla Kuwait City KUWAIT phone: +965 97723812 www.kites-kw.com email: halab@kites-kw.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- ROMANIA INICAD DESIGN Str. Popa Tatu 20, Sect. 1, Bucuresti 70772, Romania phone: +40-722-285147 fax: +40-21- 3124661 WWW: http://www.inicad.ro/ e-mail: radu_canarache@yahoo.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- RUSSIA Softline Trade Office 304, 2/4, Luzhnetskaya Naberezhnaya, building 3 A 119270 Moscow, Russia phone/fax: +7(495)232-00-23 WWW: www.softlinegroup.com e-mail: info@softlinegroup.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- RUSSIA 2 ALBERTUM Albertum LTD 31, 4, Kotelnicheskaya st 140000 Moscow RUSSIA phone/fax: +7 (495) 182 22 80 http://albertum.ru/software/ e-mail: info@albertum/ru --------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGAPORE, ASEAN, TURKEY PROSENSE 50 Chin Swee Rd., #09-04 Thong Chai Building, Singapore 169874 phone: +65-66007743 WWW: www.prosense.com.sg e-mail: hg@prosense.com.sg --------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH KOREA CNG SOFTEK 201-508, 22, Dobong-ro 106-gil, Dobong-Gu, Seoul, Korea. SOUTH KOREA phone: +82-2-529-0841 fax: +82-2-529-0846 WWW: www.cngst.com e-mail: leeih@cngst.com cngst@paran.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAIN Mecanismo Diseno y Calculo de Estructuras c/victoria 2 - 5° 28012 Madrid, Spain phone/fax: +34 91 521 69 91 WWW: www.mecanismo.es e-mail: info@mecanismo.es --------------------------------------------------------------------- THAILAND Multi Plus Tech C., Ltd. 73 M.8 Paholyothin 48 Paholyothin Rd., Bangkhen Bangkok 10220 THAILAND phone: (+66) 8210-61878 WWW: www.multiplustech.com e-mail: sale@multiplustech.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- TURKEY 3e Mimarlik Insaat ve Taah. Tic. Ltd Sti. Inönü Cad. Önder apt. No: 1 HATAY TURKEY phone: (+90) 532 376 05 30 www.3epromimarlik.co e-mail: info@3epromimarlik.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- USA Ensoft, Inc. 3003 West Howard Lane Austin, Texas 78728 phone: +1 (512) 244-6464 ext. #201: Sales and Order Status ext. #208: Technical Support ext. #202: Consulting Engineering fax: +1 (512) 244-6067 WWW: www.ensoftinc.com e-mail: ensoft@ensoftinc.com <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END OF FILE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>