Upgrade from ATENA 4.1.0 and later to 4.2.7f for users with a valid maintenance agreement. Please download and run the installation file:
size 383 760 227B (Build 11/03/15 rev.5491, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 5473).
If you have problems with the upgrade installation, please contact us for help/an installation CD.
Main changes since 4.2.7d:
- Fixed displaying crack width in AtenaWin
- Fixed a bug with monitors in construction process in ATENA 3D
- Fixed a bug in Interface material
- Other small fixes and changes in the kernel (monitors on reinforcement, fatigue, boundary load, lumped masses in dynamics)
- Updated ATENA-GiD scripts
- Updated Manuals
You can find a detailed changelist in the
Readme.txt file.