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The package contains script files and examples for interfacing GiD with ATENA. Download the installer to your computer and run it.

The subdirectory AtenaV4 in the GiD subdirectory "problemtypes" will be overwritten by files necessary for ATENA-GiD communication. Moreover, the GiD examples in Examples\ATENA Science\ATENA-GiD and Examples\ATENA Science\Demo will also be overwritten (can be deselected). If selected, the ATENA Science documentation will also be updated.

Models created with older ATENA-GiD interface always need to be transformed into the new version. If the transformation is not started automatically, please select Data - Problem type - Atena v4 - the corresponding analysis type, e.g., Static or Transport, then choose Transform.

Please also note that the format of functions for temperature dependent materials has changed. In older versions, the parameter values were defined directly by the functions, now the functions are multipliers applied to the initial values. We are sorry this can not be handled automatically during the transformation to the new version and the functions have to be re-defined manually for all temperature dependent materials.

Similarly, the SHELL and BEAM material definitions have changed. We are sorry they can not be updated automatically, please re-define and re-assign them.

In order to be able to directly launch ATENA analysis and ATENA post-processing directly from GiD the following environmental variables are to be defined on your computer. Normally, they are set by the installer (the computer has to be rebooted after installation to complete the settings), but in case of problems or when updating from an older version manually they can be defined or corrected by hand:
SET AtenaWin="C:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting\AtenaV4\AtenaWin.exe"
SET AtenaResults2GiD="C:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting\AtenaV4\A2G.exe"
SET Atena3DPost="C:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting\AtenaV4\Atena3D_1_EN.exe"
Where the path should point to the appropriate location, where the programs are installed.

GiD versions starting from 7.7.2b are supported and version 8.0.9 (8.2.0b) or 9.0.4 (9.1.1b/9.1.1b x64) is recommended as well as the latest version of ATENA 4.1.4.

