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The software was developed with a financial support from TA ČR |
Advanced system for monitoring, diagnosis and reliability assessment of large-scale concrete infrastructures (Pokročilý systém pro monitorování, diagnostiku a posouzení spolehlivosti rozsáhlých betonových infrastruktur)
6th call of the DELTA* program of TA ČR,
Project ID: TF06000016
Duration: 03/2019 - 12/2021
Partners: Červenka Consulting s.r.o. - Ing. Radomír Pukl, CSc., Brno University of Technology - Drahomír Novák, prof. Ing., DrSc., Hohai university - Prof. Maosen Cao, China, Jiangsu Donghua Testing Technology Co.,Ltd, China
Objective of the project
The project aims to develop a new integrated software system for bridge / infrastructure assessment. The system will enable assessment of behavior, reliability and damage based on condition monitoring, data-based approaches and system identification at crack propagation level. This significantly improves the reliability forecast of bridges, including degradation aspects. An integrated software system will be developed that can be used both for services and as a stand-alone product. The system will be based on computational nonlinear structural modeling and will include modules for: Sensitivity analysis, damage identification based on fractal crack assessment in concrete structures, polynomial chaos-based metamodeling, dynamic damage identification, reliability modeling and degradation.
Cíl projektu
Cílem projektu je vývoj nového integrovaného softwarového systému pro posouzení mostů/infrastruktury. Systém umožní posouzení chování, spolehlivosti a poškození na základě monitorování stavu, přístupů založených na datech a identifikaci systému na úrovni propagace trhlin. Tím se zlepší významně prognóza spolehlivosti mostů včetně aspektů degradace. Bude vyvinut integrovaný softwarový systém použitelný pro služby i jako samostatný produkt. Systém bude založen na výpočtovém nelineárním modelování konstrukcí a bude zahrnovat moduly pro: Citlivostní analýzu, identifikaci poškození založenou na fraktálním posouzení trhlin v betonových konstrukcích, metamodelování založeném na polynomiálním chaosu, dynamické identifikace poškození, modelování spolehlivosti a degradace.
PCE-UQ software, scientific software tool for uncertainty quantification based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion.
SEAN (SEnsitivity ANalysis) is a software for performing sensitivity analysis, which is a crucial step in computational modeling and assessment.
PERDA (performance-reliability-damage) is a software environment for stochastic analysis, sensitivity analysis, damage identification, heuristic optimisation and reliability-based optimisation (RBO) of the user-defined numerical model.
CERVENKA, J., JENDELE, L., SMILAUER, V., AND ZALSKY, J., Coupling of Chloride Ingress, Carbonation and Mechanical Response for Durability large Scale FE Modeling, Biot-Bažant Conference, June 1-3, 2021, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14787522.v1 https://figshare.com/articles/conference_contribution/Coupling_of_Chloride_Ingress_Carbonation_and_Mechanical_Response_for_Durability_large_Scale_FE_Modeling/14787522?file=28416894
CERVENKA J., JENDELE L., ZALSKY J., Atena software for reliability and durability assessment of reinforced concrete structures. Cement; 2020 (07) https://www.cementonline.nl/atena
NOVAK D., MAOSEN C., PUKL D. Pokročilý systém pro monitorování, diagnostiku a posouzení spolehlivosti rozsáhlých betonových infrastruktur/ Advanced system for monitoring, diagnosis and assessment of large concrete infrastructures, BETONÁRSKE DNI 2020 & 6. post kongresové kolokvium SNK fib, 22. október 2020 online
PUKL, R., CERVENKA, J., NOVAK, D. AND CAO, M., Simulation and monitoring guided control system for concrete bridges, EUROSTRUCT 2021 – 1st Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures
WEI, Q.Y., XU, W., NOVÁK, D., PUKL, R., LI, D.Y., CAO, M., Damage detection in sluice hoist beams subject to excitation at resonance frequency band based on local primary frequency. 42nd International JVE Conference, October 19-21, 2019 in Shanghai, China. Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, Vol. 28, 2019, https://doi.org/10.21595/vp.2019.21087 https://www.jvejournals.com/article/21087
Non-linear Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Containment
“Random variables” window ‒ “Reliability” window with empirical histogram, Curve fitting, Cornell safety index and Monte Carlo sampling estimates
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