TK – Program na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací DELTA 2
Project ID: TM04000012
Duration: 2023 – 2025
Jiangsu Easttrans Intelligent Control Technology Group Co., Ltd., Jie Wang
Červenka Consulting s.r.o., Ing. Radomír Pukl, Ph.D.
Brno University of Technology, Prof. Drahomír Novák
Objective of the project
The aim of the project is to develop a physical mechanism-based and big data-driven advanced procedures for long-span concrete bridges that will radically improve bridge behavior assessment process, safety, reliability and leads to the optimization of these structures. A new high-precision simulation-based system identification method for bridge structures utilizing surrogate modelling Bayesian updating will be developed, supported by automatic condition health monitoring and structural integrity assessment using multifractality concept. The newly developed and extended software tools provide a useful bright insight comparing the results of numerical analysis and bridge health monitoring, combining them together. Using these software tools, thresholds for bridges can be adjusted.
Cíle projektu
Cílem projektu je vyvinout pokročilé postupy a nástroje pro analýzu betonových mostů velkých rozpětí založené na numerické simulaci s podporou měřených rozsáhlých dat. Postupy zásadně zlepší proces posouzení chování mostních konstrukcí, jejich bezpečnost a spolehlivost, a tím povedou k jejich optimalizaci. Nové metody identifikace založené na simulacích s velkou přesností využijí metodu náhradní aproximace spolu s Bayesovským zlepšením za podpory automatického monitorování stavu poškození pomocí konceptu multifraktality. Nově vytvořené softwarové nástroje a rozšíření stávajícího software poskytnou užitečný vhled díky kombinaci numerické simulace a monitorování stavu mostů. Referenční hodnoty a mezní hodnoty stavu mostů mohou být upraveny za využití těchto softwarových prostředků.
Software Products:
TM04000012-V2 - Metamodelling incorporating Bayesian inference for stochastic models of bridge with damage/ Metamodelování zahrnující bayesovské odvození pro stochastické modely mostu s poškozením.
The software is the second key element for prediction of the behavior of monitored existing bridges. This software allows a combination of computational model and real structural measurement, using Bayesian statistics to calibrate the input stochastic model. For efficient use in practical applications, the software tool will work with the approximation of a computationally demanding finite- element model, which will guarantee a very efficient analysis without signifificant computational demands.
December 2024.
TM04000012-V1 - Massive responses-based systematic parameter probability distribution represented by Gram-Charlier (G-C) expansion for concrete bridges/Rozdělení pravděpodobnosti systematických parametrů založené na masivních odezvách reprezentované Gram-Charlierovou (G-C) expanzí pro betonové mosty )
The software represents the first step of the proposed methodology - processing of measurement data of the monitored structure with regard to further probabilistic processing. Software tool based on Gram-Charlier expansion will be able to create an efficient approximation of probability distribution of the quantity of interest, which is necessary for probabilistic analysis and estimation of reliability indicators of the structure. Such approach will lead to improvement of probabilistic analysis.
December 2023.
Obr.1: Obraz trhlin a jejich šířky vypočtené numerickým modelem a porovnání s daty z monitoringu konstrukce.
Fig.1: Image of cracks and their widths calculated by a numerical model and comparison with data from structural monitoring.
Selected publications:
VECERE, J., NOVAK, D., KOTYNIA, R., SZCZECH, D., KASZUBSKA, M. 2024. Modelling of shear strength of concrete beams with steel and gfrp reinforcement. Transactions of the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series, Section Building Structures & Structural Mechanics, Vol. 24 (1), DOI: 10.35181/tces-2024-0001 PDF
SPLICHAL, B., LEHKY, D., LAMPEROVA, K. 2024. Damage detection of riveted truss bridge using ANN-aided AMS optimization method. In: 12th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2024), Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 2279-2286. ISBN: 9781003483755, doi: 10.1201/9781003483755-270, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85200327760 PDF
NOVAK, L.; GAKIS, A.; KRIZEK, M.; NOVAK, D.; SPYRIDIS, P. 2024. Uncertainty Quantification of Soil-Structure Interaction in Tunnel Linings by Polynomial Chaos Expansion. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, ISBN 978-3-031-60270-2, ISBN 978-3-031-60271-9 (eBook J. C. Matos et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of IPW 2024, LNCE 494, pp. 512–519, 2024., WOS:001323733800050, SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85200418867 PDF
ZHENG, B., BAYAT, M. B., SHI, Y. C, JIANG, Y. D., QIAN, X. A., NOVAK, D., CAO, M. 2024 (online December 2023). Forecasting approach of ultimate bearing capacity of underreamed anchor under local shear failure. Journal of Engineering Research, (in press, corrected proof), IF = 0.9 PDF
KRIZEK, M., NOVAK, L. 2024 (December 2023). Uncertainty Quantification of Existing Bridge using Polynomial Chaos Expansion. Transactions of the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series, Section Building Structures & Structural Mechanics, Vol. 23 (2), 13–19 PDF
CERVENKA, J., RYMES, J., JENDELE, L., Is Nonlinear Analysis Becoming a Standard Tool for Design and Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures? IABSE Congress New Delhi 2023, Engineering for Sustainable Development, Sept 20 - 22 PDF
NOVAK, L., NOVAK, D., CAO, M., PUKL.R., Semi-probabilistic assessment of concrete bridge exploiting additional data from experiments and numerical analysis, IALCCE 2023 Milan, Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems -PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LIFE-CYCLE CIVIL ENGINEERING (IALCCE 2023, MILAN, ITALY, 2-6 JULY, 2023, CRC Press, 2023. p. 2697-2704, ISBN 978-1-003-32302-0 PDF
NOVAK, L.; NOVAK, D., CAO, M.; PUKL, R. Semi-probabilistic assessment of concrete bridge exploiting additional data from experiments and numerical analysis. 2023. In Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems – Biondini & Frangopol (Eds) 2023 The Editor(s), pp. 2697-2704, ISBN 978-1-003-32302-0. (Proceedings Of The Eighth International Symposium On Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (Ialcce 2023), 2-6 July 2023, Politecnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy) PDF
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