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The software was developed with a financial support from TA ČR |
Containment - Response of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of WWER 1000 Units to Extreme Dynamic Actions for Selected Scenarios of Severe Accidents
Containment – the EPSILON* program of TAČR
Project ID: TH02020843,
Duration: 01/2017 - 12/2019
Main Partner: Ing. Jan Malý, ÚJV Řež, a. s.
Partners: Červenka Consulting s.r.o. - Ing. Jan Červenka, Ph.D., CTU Prague - Prof. Ing. Zdeněk Bittnar, DrSc.
Picture 1: Model of an internal preloaded containment - Barcom (Bhabha Atomic Research Containment)
Main goal of the proposed project is elaboration of methodologies for response evaluation of concrete structures used at nuclear units WWER (Water-Water Power Reactor) 1000, loaded by extreme effects of dynamic actions in case of severe accidents. Design of technical measures for severe accident management in case of reactor core melting is difficult task. Main objective is to select convenient analytical models that can be used for simulations of containment and structures inside containment behavior under extreme loads and execution of reference calculations. Projects results will be used for detail analyses and for selection of optimal technical measures which allows effective severe accidents management.
Picture 2: Model of a containment of nuclear power plant Temelín displayed including finite element network
The solution of the project is aimed at improving the analysis of major accidents in the existing nuclear facilities operating in the Czech Republic. To solve this the issue is given an extraordinary emphasis after evaluating the results of the European stress tests carried out after the Fukushima disaster in 2011. Introduction of effective measures to deal with major accidents associated with the melting of the core are required by the so-called "Post-Fukushima National Action Plan" on strengthening the nuclear safety of nuclear installations in the Czech Republic, which was announced by SÚJB (State Office for Nuclear Safety). The project is oriented towards building behavior construction, the measures for dealing with severe accidents with the existing blocks have not yet been implemented in the WWER 1000 Units.
Picture 3: Models for verifying the quality of the work carried out (left-hand casting in the upper holes and connecting the vertical wall to the basement with the technical corridor on the right)
Simulation of Severe Accident Scenarios in Nuclear Containments - the article included in Elsevier Journal, Procedia Engineering, ISSN: 1877-7058, Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd.
For the full text of this article - please go here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877705817360927
*Project no. TH02020843 has been financed under the EPSILON program of TA CR for the support of applied research and experimental development, Sub-program 2 - Energy and Materials funding scheme.
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